We need more than Autism Awareness--We Need inclusion

     April 2 is Autism Awareness Day and has been so since 2007 when the United Nations general assembly passed a resolution confirming Apri...

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Lack of support for Autistics

     I recently read two research papers about autistics' lack of a support system.

The first paper discusses the way there is a lack of support. The second

paper discusses a lack of education among mental healthcare professionals.

    Crosbie, Bradley, Shaw, Cohen, and Cassidy did a study to see how recipients of services felt about the number of services they were receiving. The highest incidence of mental health issues is depression and anxiety. The highest incidence of desired support reported was mental healthcare (61.1%), mentoring (62.3%), social activities (50.6%), employment (45.1%), and mental health (40.7%).

    The article continued by explaining why people do not get support. The following reasons are:

·  Dismissed from treatment and support because perceived as "coping."

·  "Support geared towards children" only.

·  "Long waiting lists and lack of funding." 

    The Crosbie et al. and Lipinski, Boegl, Blanke, Suenkel, and Dziobek inform about the lack of knowledge among mental health professionals. Crosbie et. al. gives the following:

·  "Obstacles to accessing and receiving treatment and support."

·  "Not believed or listened to."

·  "Not suited to one's needs."

Lipinski et al. specifically discuss the mental health profession's lack of expertise to practice psychotherapy with autistics with a study that tests knowledge of autism. Needless to say, there is a lack of qualified services for adult autistics.


Adams, Dawn & Young, Kate (2021). A Systematic Review of the Perceived Barriors and Facilitators to Assessing Psychological Treatment for Mental Health Problems in Individuals on the Autism Spectrum. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 1-50. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40489020002267.

Crosbie, L. S., Bradley, L., Shaw, R., Cohen, S. B., & Cassidy, S. (2019). "People Like Me Don't Get Support:" Autistic Adult Experiences of Support and Treatment for Mental

Health Difficulties, Self-Injury and Suicidality. Autism, 23(6), 1431–1441. https://doi.org/10.1177/1362361318816053

Lipinski, Boegl, Blanke, Suenkel, and Dziobe (2021) A Blind Spot in Mental Healthcare. Psychotherapists Lack of Education and Expertise for Adults on the Autism Spectrum. Autism 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1177/13623613211057973

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